Significant Impact of US Budget Cuts on Ranchers and Farmers

Significant Impact of US Budget Cuts on Ranchers and Farmers

Significant Impact of US Budget Cuts on Ranchers and Farmers. Farmer Andy Hech raises and produces a popular product. Wisconsin cows and cheese it’s really what you know built our state and still is a hugely important part of our economy 45 46 billion do on state Andy’s main source of income is the specialty cheeses that line the shelves of his facility. Andy says “It will Age For about a year before we sell it it’s in here biting Its Time becoming”.

To compete with European cheese producers who receive huge subsidies from their governments Andy needed to scale up and expand his business. Andy turned to the USDA for funding from the Natural Resources Conservation Service or NRCS for andwardedal NRCS.

Andy has already spent about $3,000 to design a modern, environmentally friendly facility for barns, and feeding cows that produce milk for cheese.

When he was notified last January that funding for USDA conservation projects was being frozen. Executive director of the Dery Grazing Alliance which also relies on USDA funding for projects including apprenticeship programs to train a new generation of dairy farmers and farm workers.

“We understand you know the objees of the administration and coming in and making sure that there isn’t any abuse of the systems uh and we just hope that we’re not an Unintended consequence of it because you know we really align with what this administration is looking at doing as” he concluded. Agriculture and applied economics at the University have not yet experienced a significant impact. According to him, even if funds flow again, farmers will remain pessimistic about the future.

Trump’s Agriculture Secretary Brook Rall said one of his top priorities is addressing the Federal funding books despite the funding delays. The USDA projects that net income for U.S. farms in 2025 as a whole will increase by about 30% over last year.